Hybrid Mail
Hybrid Mail Solutions enables you to print and post your documents from your PC, directly to our state of the art production facility.
We are specialists in hybrid mail. Our strategic location allows postal tariffs to be removed, resulting in cost efficiencies for your business.
Talk to us about faster, cheaper, greener, more secure post.
Hybrid Mail Solutions enables you to print and post your documents from your PC, directly to our state of the art production facility.
Direct mail is an essential part of any multi-channel marketing campaign. It can be highly effective in lead generation and at reducing costs
Let us manage your transactional mail; invoices, statements, bills, receipts, chase letters and reports generated daily.
Hybrid Mail is Cheaper, Faster and more Efficient in getting your mail to your customers on time. Print and Post your mail directly from your desktop with a click of your mouse. Our hybrid mail solution allows customers to send a single letter for as little as 84p.
Hybrid Mail allows you to send letters and documents directly via our virtual printer without having to do any of the time consuming printing and posting work. Simply click File, Print, Post and your mail is gone same day, we take care of the rest.
Waste & Recycling : Financial : Legal : Health : Security Services : Marketing : Local Government : Opticians : Veterinary Practices : Facilities : Software Companies
We can reduce your production and postage costs significantly. Our hybrid mail software will save on production equipment, staff time and maximise your postal savings.
Eliminate the need to have expensive postal equipment such as franking machines, enveloping machines, or a mail room function within your business. No need to invest in a depreciating asset.
No maintenance contracts required for outdated machinery. Save on costs and business resources adding profit to the bottom line.
Ensure your documents reach your recipient in the quickest time possible. Print and mail in the same day. Direct from your desktop to the customers doormat with the click of a mouse.
Gain up to 40 extra hours in your business each month by working with us. Staff will no longer have to manually collect and prepare documents to be posted, and can spend more time carrying out core tasks.
A business group will have greater visibility of all documents produced and receive on demand management information daily.
Develop streamlined document templates across all your mailing communications. Control your letterheads, stationary and attachments achieving high quality documentation.
A business will be able to track and trace items through the production process and ensure that all items are produced and posted using Optical Mark Reader or 2D barcode.
Manage your printing 24/7 with round the clock access to our Hybrid Mail Me solution. Letters can be dropped in anytime with no need to run to the post office.
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HMS HybridMail is a mail composition, management and printing system.
Data Send provide an easy way to get large files where you need them...when you need them.